Yes, We Can,…#2 Gilia

Gilia is the second of our group of nurses and midwives to arrive in Germany within the Corona Crisis. She was tired of waiting in Italy until the whole world had returned to normal. After 7 weeks of quarantine, during which she lived at home with her whole family, the desire to experience something new triumphed and she booked a flight from Milan with a stopover in Frankfurt to Hamburg. And so she arrived on 25.04., at a time when it was not easy to move without good reason, especially abroad.
But thanks to her employment contract there were no problems at all. On her arrival she was welcomed by our team. As a midwife, she did not even officially have to go through a quarantine. However, the hospital preferred to take a Corona-test when she arrived in Germany and let her wait two weeks before she could start working.
Since 11.5. Gilia has been working now as a midwife in the Klinik Gesundheit Nord, a large public hospital in Bremen. She has to wait a few more weeks until her studies as a midwife are recognized, but until then she has the chance to improve her German and settle in at the hospital. We are proud of Gilia and how she found her way here with courage and independence!
Holalemania: Gilia, what made you book a flight to Germany at a time when public life was still “stuck” there?
Gilia: Mainly the desire to leave and start this new adventure. I felt ready, and I had been preparing for this step for months. Then it certainly helped that here in Germany the situation was not so complicated and the number of coronavirus cases was lower.
Holalemania: What do you think about this step today? Was it the right decision?
Gilia: Sure, and if I had the chance, I would have done it immediately. I would not have delayed the start of the contract by about a month. Here in Germany I had already found the apartment, and the hospital was waiting for me, and as soon as I had the chance to leave, I took the opportunity.
Holalemania: With what feelings did you board the plane in Milan?
Gilia: There were many feelings. On one hand, I was certainly happy, excited and optimistic because I wanted to leave. On the other hand I was a little bit scared. I think there is always a little bit of fear and anxiety when you take such a big step, and on top of that there was the worry about the coronavirus.
Holalemania: How is your life in Germany? Your work and your private life?
Gilia: My life here is just starting and I am building it step by step. Every day I have the chance to learn new things at work and improve my language. At work I have found helpful and friendly colleagues. When I have free time, I go exploring. Bremen is a wonderful city, very different from Milan (my home town) and offers many opportunities. I can’t wait to get together with the other Italian girls who will work with me here and meet new people.
Holalemania: What is different here in everyday life compared to Italy in this crisis, apart from the less difficult course of Covid cases so far?
Gilia: Since I come from Milan, where the situation was not easy, where there were many cases and many worries, it took me a while to get used to the normality here again. The possibility to go outside, to do sports in the fresh air immediately, was something I couldn’t do in Milan. Surely life flows more peacefully here. Of course there are restrictions, but the situation is simpler.
Holalemania: Would you recommend this step to other colleagues?
Gilia: Sure, without the slightest doubt. It is a great opportunity for personal development and experience both in the workplace and in the personal area. I am happy and satisfied.

- On 29 May 2020