Yes, We Can,…#3 Jessica

Jessica is our third Italian nurse who courageously decided to make her dream come true when everything was at a standstill in Italy because of the corona virus.
Jessica never lost her courage during these months, but continued to work hard to improve her language skills and tried to finally come to Hamburg despite many obstacles. Now she is working in the Marienkrankenhaus, she immediately integrated very well and finally has a contract of employment, as she always wanted.
Jessica, your determination and courage have brought you to where you are now and we at Holalemania are proud of you! Here is her interview:
Holalemania: Jessica, what made you decide to book a flight to Germany at a time when public life there was “at a standstill”?
Jessica: The desire to start a new life! Arriving in Germany was for me the achievement of my goal and the reward for all my efforts to come here. I was stuck in Italy and I knew that when I left I could contribute, even if only to a small extent, to the ongoing health emergency.
Holalemania: What do you think about this step today? Was it the right decision?
Jessica: Well, yes, I would do it 100 more times! Here I found what I expected, if not better! The hospital welcomed me as if it had always known me, I immediately felt part of a team.
Holalemania: With what feelings did you board the plane in Naples?
Jessica: Yes, I was worried, because in a historical period like the one we are living in now, it is not easy to travel. What will happen? What will they ask me? What if I don’t understand it in German? Those were the questions I always asked myself. Instead, everything was very spontaneous and relaxed and I didn’t have any particular difficulties and above all I knew that I could count on the help of the Holalemania team.
Holalemania: How did your life in Germany begin? Your work and your private life?
Jessica: In Germany the days go by faster compared to Italy, especially at work, because there is always something new to learn and you get useful information every day. My colleagues* are helpful and above all patient, and that reassures me.
Holalemania: What is different here in everyday life compared to Italy in this crisis, apart from the less difficult course of events so far?
Jessica: The city is beautiful and above all very lively, despite the current emergency. What I appreciate most are the services, such as public transport, which is efficient, in a very short time I can reach any point of the city and above all my friends.
The hospital has provided me with a subscription for the means of transport! This made me realize how much this country cares about providing services for its citizens*.
Holalemania: Would you recommend this step to other colleagues?
Jessica: Absolutely. The farewell is the most beautiful and brave of all actions. A selfish joy maybe, but a joy for those who appreciate freedom. To be alone, unknown and strange and yet feel at home everywhere. A strong emotion that we should all feel!
- On 12 June 2020